Gone: A Memoir of Love, Body, and Taking Back My Life

“Olson’s riveting narrative is about love and devotion as much as it is about attitude and tenacity… Inspirational, gripping, and a testament to positive thinking.” —Kirkus Reviews
“This memoir is a distilled look at the sheer power of the human mind, and Olson’s mind is a particularly incredible example.” —Affinity Magazine, Sophia Moore
“A heart-rending, heroic memoir of resilience and love, that reminds us all about how precious life is and how important it is to fight for it.”
—Drs. Thomas Patterson and Steffanie Strathdee, co-authors of The Perfect Predator: A Scientist’s Race to Save her Husband from a Deadly Superbug
“An unbelievable journey from hell, back to some degree of normal living. A must read for anybody recovering from traumatic injury.”
—U.S. Senator Max Cleland (Ret.), Author of Strong at the Broken Places
“This is an incredible story of survival following an horrific accident. It is first and foremost the story of Linda’s personal journey of courage and resiliency…You will read this with awe and wonder.”
—Frederic G. Sanford M.D., Rear Admiral, Medical Corps U.S. Navy, Retired
Gone featured in Parade magazine as one of the 24 best memoirs of the year. Check it out here!
Get your copy of Gone by clicking on the links below:

“Linda left few dry eyes in the house. She inspired us to live life to the fullest, no matter what has happened.”
—Bob Miller, Board Member, Iowa Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association
At age twenty-nine, Linda Olson lost both her legs above the knee and her right arm in a train vs. car accident in Germany. “I didn’t marry your arms and your legs … if you can do it, I can do it,” was the first thing her husband, Dave Hodgens, said to her after the accident. In those first few days they chose to focus on what they could do, not what they couldn’t do. Linda and Dave proved that anything and everything is possible. “If you’re not getting the answer you want,” says Linda, “ask a different question. There is always a way.”
Linda was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2015. Today she is committed to empowering Parkinson’s patients and families to live life as full as possible, in spite of their disabilities, and to get up, get out, and go. She offers resources, tips, and heartfelt motivation in her blog and talks and firmly believes that “If I can do it, You can do it.”
Read The “No-Legs” Grandma Blog
A few weeks ago my granddaughter, Sierra, graciously accompanied me to La Jolla so we could take pictures in the gigantic, outdoor art exhibit called the Murals of La Jolla. After snagging my favorite handicapped parking spot on Girard Avenue, we got my wheelchair out...
AQUARIUM The Birch Aquarium is one of my favorite San Diego tourist spots. I like to think of it as the Goldilocks of Aquariums. Some are too big. Some are too small. Birch is just right. It hugs the side of a hill in La Jolla with magnificent views of the Scripps...
All eyes are on a man at the top of the grassy field. Next to him is a large pile of nylon and ropes. Leaning over, he shakes the ropes, jiggles them into an orderly-looking collection, yanks the handful of lines and lo and behold, the pile of nylon starts to...
“It doesn’t matter what has happened to you, or what you don’t have, it’s up to you to make things happen.
It’s up to you to Get Out and Go!”
Illustration by Tiffany Hodgens Johnson
Video by Michael Wat and Bennett Leeds. © 1981 USC, School of Cinematography, All rights Reserved.
Linda is a proud supporter and former speaker for World Parkinson Coalition. Click on the image for more information about this great organization.
Don’t miss a post!
Linda K. Olson shares her unique experience as a triple amputee; she offers funny musings on daily life, as well as practical and motivational tips on how to get exercise when your mobility is limited, along with ways to get out into nature and keep going.
And stay tuned… Linda’s book is set to be released October of 2020! You don’t want to miss this.